I like Loki.  So there.

I like Loki.  So there.



About The Lion's Den

This is the boring page where I tell you how this site came about. If you just like looking at pictures, then go back to the Gallery.  If, by some chance, you're curious, keep reading!
I have always been keen on drawing and building things since I was a kid (and back then, a green smudge was masterpiece of a tree and a black dot was a bird. Or was it a plane?). I've come a long way since then. I never took any art subjects at school other than those that everyone had to do to get through, and I don't profess to be the greatest artist that ever lived, but I'm happy with most of my work.
I mainly use pencils for the sole reason that they are easy to use and mistakes are quickly rectified. I occasionally venture into paint (but usually when this happens, more paint ends up on me than on the page). In 2006 I started to use PhotoShop to colour my line drawings, and, as I mentioned elsewhere, I use snow when I can get my hands on it! Recently I've used pastel pencils on darker paper for some of my drawings, and I like the effect it gives.
After hosting my work for several years on my own non-art websites, and in other peoples' galleries, the number of pictures I had increased enough for me to justify setting up a website just for my art. The Lion's Den was born. I still have pictures hosted on a number of sites (and you can find these in the Links section) but finally I have a site to call my own.
This is the third reincarnation of the site. The first version is hosted on a Geocities free account. I've nothing against Geocities, but the adverts were starting to bug me. TLD 2 was a subdomain of one of my other websites, for about a week, before I was spurred onwards and finally bought my own domain. TLD 3 now has it's own home at www.noweia.co.uk!
A few days short of this site being online for six months, I've had 2000 visitors from over 12 countries, including the UK, US, Canada, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Mexico and South Africa. Thanks to everyone for visiting and please keep leaving your comments!

Now approaching a few years old, this site has reached 113 countries.  Thanks to all for visiting my mutated corner of the interweb!
Enough waffle, go and look at some more pictures!